Psi Chi is the International Honor Society in Psychology, founded in 1929 for the purposes of encouraging, stimulating, maintaining excellence in scholarship, and advancing the science of psychology. The mission of Psi Chi is to produce a well educated, ethical and socially responsible member committed to contributing to the science and profession of psychology and to society in general.

Psi Chi Mission Statement

As the CSUCI chapter of the international honor society for Psychology majors, we aim to assist students in obtaining information related to graduate school, offer opportunities of research publication, and community service as well as take advantage of the awards and grants offered to Psi Chi members via the Psi Chi Society.

What are the benefits of joining Psi Chi?

  • Networking and social support with other Psychology students
  • Opportunities to learn about research, graduate school, and careers in Psychology
  • International recognition for academic excellence
  • Lifetime membership that can be included on your CV or resumé
  • A personalized certificate
  • $400,000+ in opportunities for awards, grants, and scholarships
  • Access to thousands of psychology-related job openings
  • Networking at regional and national conventions
  • A subscription to Eye on Psi Chi magazine
  • Ability to publish in Psi Chi Journal of Psychological Research

Psi Chi Applications

The CI Chapter of Psi Chi cordially invites you to apply for membership. Review the steps to membership below, and email Dr. Zerr ( if you have any questions. The due date for Spring 2025 applications is Monday, February 17th. Applicants will be notified of their status in March, and an induction ceremony is tentatively scheduled for early April. 

Three Steps to Membership:
1. Fill out the online Psi Chi Application 
    a. Read the qualifications for application and select Apply Now.
    b. Choose CSU Channel Islands from the local chapter drop-down menu and fill out the application including your name, email address, and Student ID number.
    c. It will also ask you for your exact graduation date. Use the commencement date listed on the CSUCI Academic Calendar.
    d. At the bottom of the page, check the box authorizing the faculty advisor to review your college records to determine eligibility.
    e. Type your Name/Signature and select Submit
2. Submit your membership fees once you are accepted. This $100 one-time lifetime membership fee should be submitted via check made out to CSUCI Psi Chi. This fee includes: the international Psi Chi society member fees ($55), graduation regalia ($20) and CI club fees ($25).
3. Attend the induction ceremony to receive your certificate and celebrate!

Minimum Qualifications: 
Psi Chi is the International Honor Society in Psychology, and membership depends upon class  standing and academic achievement. The eligibility criteria are listed below. If you are not eligible this semester, we encourage you to apply in the future!

  • Major or Minor standing in Psychology
  • Completion of at least 3 semesters of college courses
  • Completion of at least 3 classes (9 semester hours) of Psychology courses
  • Transfer students need to complete at least 12 units at CSUCI, including at least one Psychology course, in addition to the above requirements before they are eligible to apply.
  • Psychology GPA of 3.5 or greater (this can be checked in your CARR report).
  • Ranking in the top 35% of one’s cohort for cumulative GPA. (For example, last year's cohorts had the following cumulative GPAs: Sophomores 3.30; Juniors 3.40; Seniors 3.50). Note, this is your cumulative GPA, not your CI GPA.

Psi Chi Club Meetings

The meetings for the Spring 2025 semester will take place every other Thursday 5-6pm. Meeting locations will be posted here, shared on CI Sync and shared via our mailing list.

  • Thurs 2/6/25 5-6pm via Zoom: Psi Chi Info Session & Introductions
  • Thurs 2/20/25 5-6pm in SUB 1080
  • Thurs 3/6/25 5-6pm in SUB 1080 
  • Thurs 3/27/25 5-6pm via Zoom: 
  • Thurs 4/10/25 5-6pm in SUB 1080 
  • Thurs 4/24 5-6pm in SUB 1080

Meetings are open to all students, regardless of official membership status. Meeting topics will vary, but will include: opportunities to network with peers, grad school prep sessions, research opportunities, alumni speaker events, social activities and games, study sessions and more. Please email the Psi Chi President, Nycherie Hong at, if you would like more information or if you would like to be added to our mailing list.

Psi Chi Events

  • Induction Ceremony
  • Art with Impact
  • Our Stories Matter
  • Socials
  • Community Service

Psi Chi Officers (Fall 2024 - Spring 2025)

Title Name
President Nycherie Hong
Vice President Andrew Hart
Secretary & Historian Rebekah Buley
Treasurer Ariadna (Ari) Castro Piedra

Faculty Advisor

Argero Zerr, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Psychology
Madera Hall, Room 2384

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