With regard to clinical work, Dr. Neil Rocklin, an experienced psychologist who has been in the field for 35+ years has this to say: 

“Focusing only on careers in psychology applied to clinical settings, I think that the future is bright but unpredictable. Gazing into my crystal ball, mental health service six to ten years from now will be in great demand. Changes to access as a consequence of legislation regarding parity and awareness of mental illness will push the demand. Most providers will be masters trained clinicians. Those with a doctorates will have superior training and will perform roles other than providers. Specialists, those trained in forensics, neuropsych, artificial intelligence (and something else that I have no way of visualizing but which will occur as we journey further into the 21st century) will have more income potential. Generally, the income will remain comparable to today’s standards. Masters clinicians will be under six figures with doctors having the potential to be in excess of six figures. The income isn't comparable to business and will never be, but the motivation for working in the field must be fueled by one's passion for understanding human behavior and extending that knowledge as well as helping others. Success was, is, and will be a consequence of skill obtained through training, motivation and flexibility. If you want to work hard you can make more money. If you choose to work less, it will still be a rewarding profession. Affordability becomes a decision for the individual.”

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