You should start thinking about applying to graduate school around the Winter/Spring semester of your junior year. I usually tell students to spend some time this semester researching what specialty they would be interested in pursuing in graduate school. I also ask them to start thinking about which schools they would like to apply to and to create a list of at least ten schools. Hopefully some of the reasoning outlined above will help students to choose programs that would are a good fit for their specific situations. The APA produces two books which I think are helpful at this stage of the application process: Getting In: A Step-By-Step Plan for Gaining Admission to Graduate School in Psychology and Graduate Study in Psychology. Both of these books are available cheaply from Check to make sure you are getting the newest editions because some of the information is subject to change. The former book outlines successful strategies for applying to graduate programs in psychology while the latter contains information for most psychology graduate programs in the U.S.